Old Friends & New Questions

After over 22 years of friendship, you would think Maria and I would know just about everything there is to know about each other. However, I am constantly bewildered at how much I have yet to learn! But, how often do you really ask your close friends and family those hard questions? We may go deep into our topics of conversations, but sometimes, it takes something a little extra to dive into those experiences and ways of thinking that have really shaped who we are as human beings. {The And} from Skin Deep is just the tool! In our latest episode, we explore three tough questions. (You can use this link to http://theskindeep.refr.cc/mkayletstalk to get 15% off.)

What is a false impression you make?
Describe a moment that changed your life.
What are subjects you avoid talking about and why?

Please join us as we go explore new layers of who we are, make fun of each other, console one another, and get into a very weird and long conversation about wine and drinking- because we get uncomfy and have a hard time being vulnerable. Don’t worry, we work through it every time.

We definitely encourage friends, family, and even strangers- try {The And} with those you want to get to know better! It will take you on a wild ride of vulnerability, laughter, fear, joy and so many other emotions. 

We hope to play more of this game in later episodes, so please look out for that continuation!


Trek Talk: Deep Space Nine


Food (om nom nom)